22 Laws of Marketing, Marketing
Finding your niche in the fiercely competitive business landscape can sometimes mean creating it. The Law of the Category suggests that if you can’t be the first in an existing category, the next best thing is to create a new category where you can be the first....
22 Laws of Marketing, Marketing
In the competitive marketing world, the race to capture the consumer’s attention can be fierce. The Law of Leadership stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness among the many strategies employed. This law posits that being first is better than being...
Branding, How Brands Grow, Marketing
Byron Sharp’s advocacy for evidence-based decision-making in dynamic marketing marks a pivotal shift from intuition-led strategies to those grounded in empirical evidence and data. “How Brands Grow” presents a compelling case for leveraging solid data and...
Branding, How Brands Grow, Marketing
In “How Brands Grow,” Byron Sharp offers a refreshing perspective on achieving sustainable growth, diverging from the conventional focus on price competition and continuous product innovation. Sharp posits that the real drivers of long-term growth and...
Branding, How Brands Grow, Marketing
In a marketing landscape often dominated by the allure of hyper-targeted campaigns, Byron Sharp’s insights offer a compelling counterargument. As detailed in “How Brands Grow,” his research posits that a strategy focused on efficient reach rather than narrowly...