The unique blend of services offered by CNNCTD emphasizes a holistic approach to improving business efficiency through a combination of productivity advisory, project management, marketing, and creative solutions.

Comprehensive Productivity and Efficiency Solutions for Businesses.

Productivity Advisory and Coaching

Focusing on enhancement of organizational efficiency. Providing tailored strategies for better time management and streamlined workflows, using expert coaching and modern productivity tools to optimize business operations.

Project and Product Management

Enhancement of efficiency in project completion and product development. Utilization of agile methodologies and top-tier project planning tools to ensure effective resource allocation, progress tracking, and reporting, helping businesses manage their projects and products more effectively.


Enhancing a brand’s visibility and customer engagement through innovative digital marketing campaigns and strategic market analysis. The aim is to create impactful marketing strategies that elevate a brand’s presence within the organization’s market demographic.

Creative Services

A true focus on providing innovative solutions to business challenges. Employing creative thinking and design methodologies to offer unique problem-solving approaches, fostering inventive ideas and strategies.

The Universal Impact of the Pareto Principle: Beyond Economics

The Pareto Principle, commonly known as the 80/20 rule, is a concept that extends far beyond its economic origins. Richard Koch emphasizes the principle’s versatility in his work, demonstrating its application in diverse fields such as business, personal life, and...

Embracing Flexibility: Adapting with the 80/20 Principle for Optimal Effectiveness

In his insightful exploration of the 80/20 principle, Richard Koch underscores the importance of flexibility and adaptation in achieving maximum effectiveness. This approach is crucial for staying relevant and thriving in a constantly evolving environment, whether in...

The Law of Duality: Understanding the Two-Horse Race in Market Dynamics

A typical pattern emerges in competitive markets: the dominance of two leading brands or companies. This phenomenon, known as the Law of Duality, suggests that no matter how crowded a market initially is, eventually, it tends to consolidate around two significant...

Carving Out New Markets: The Strategic Advantage of Creating New Categories

Finding your niche in the fiercely competitive business landscape can sometimes mean creating it. The Law of the Category suggests that if you can't be the first in an existing category, the next best thing is to create a new category where you can be the first. This...

Understanding the RAID Log in Project Management

In the dynamic field of project management, the RAID Log emerges as a pivotal tool for organizing and overseeing project elements. The acronym RAID stands for Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies. This comprehensive document is a centralized repository,...

The Power of Partnerships: Creating Coalitions for Successful Initiatives

Creating coalitions is invaluable in any leadership role, particularly when embarking on new initiatives. As emphasized in Michael D. Watkins' "The First 90 Days," building alliances and persuading key stakeholders is essential for gaining the support and resources...

The Influence of Social Proof in Shaping Behavior and Decision-Making

The concept of social proof is a fundamental aspect of human psychology, reflecting our tendency to mimic the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior in given situations. This phenomenon is rooted in our instinctive desire for social conformity and...

Climbing the Marketing Ladder: Strategic Positioning Based on Market Rank

Understanding your company's position relative to competitors is crucial for crafting an effective marketing strategy. The Law of the Ladder posits that a company's marketing approach should depend on its rung on the market ladder—the higher its position, the better...

Winning the Mindshare Battle: The Importance of Being First in Consumers’ Minds

In marketing, where perception often trumps reality, securing a spot in the consumer's mind is frequently more valuable than launching the first product. The Law of the Mind emphasizes that the brand that occupies this primary mental real estate usually gains a...

Harnessing Authority: Key Strategies to Become a Recognized Expert in Your Field

In today's competitive market, establishing oneself as an authority in a specific field is more than a badge of honor; it's a strategic move that opens doors to numerous financial and professional opportunities. Inspired by Dain Walker's insights in "The 90-Day Brand...


Here is where we can begin the dialog that leads to measurable change, better fluidity, and more security in your business processes and workflows. Give a brief breakdown of where you are currently with your business.

We can set a meeting and pick it up from there!